R18 - Aftermarket ECU options

I still have an issue that existed before the tune whereby if I don't put enough rev's on the bike when taking off from the lights or a junction, the bike seems to rev and then drop revs on its own. I have to rev reasonably strongly if I want a smooth take off from stationary. Likewise, when taking off from an incline, the bike needs to be revved. I wouldn't expect that with so much torque available.
Just a thought as I originally had the same impression (no tune); perhaps you (as I was) too quick letting off the clutch. I now give moderate revs at takeoff (old pilot speak) while very slowly easing the clutch out, now cures the dropping of revs...give the engine a chance to take a deep breath of fresh revs! It's all in the reference of "practice" and "experimenting" to find perfection.
I still have an issue that existed before the tune whereby if I don't put enough rev's on the bike when taking off from the lights or a junction, the bike seems to rev and then drop revs on its own. I have to rev reasonably strongly if I want a smooth take off from stationary. Likewise, when taking off from an incline, the bike needs to be revved. I wouldn't expect that with so much torque available.
I don t have this sensation at all . from Stopped , it starts absolutely normally. May be something else to watch .
Side question here - does the tune mitigate the 2800-3100 vibration when cruising in that range?

My tailbone isn’t doing so well after 200km at sustained highway speeds.
The tune is more designed to improve the rideability than to extract more power.
I think you’ll be very happy with the improvement in smoothing out the rev range.