I published my long-term review of my R18 Classic

Hi Neils, It's well written and I can only offer my perspective.

If I am reading or invited to read a review of an item the preamble and history of the firm in question is of no interest to me whatsoever. Others may be intrigued by it, but for me it's like being offered a test ride of a bike but before you can you have to listen to the sales person telling you about the manufacturer for a few minutes before you get going. None of it goes in, it's just noise.

That wasn't meant to be negative, because some people do want to know this background and I already know the history of Bay Emm Vay (BMW) as I lived in Germany for a few years.

I wouldn't mind betting that if you ran a poll, that significantly more than 50% would choose NOT to read the preamble. i.e. if there was a review with a button saying "skip introduction" most would press it.
A good review, though it should perhaps include something about the wind buffeting with the stock screen. I am also 6-3" and anythng above 65mph is eyeball rattling. There are all manner of cures. I use a screen deflector/extender, which reduces it. I have also found that with my particular helmet I get less buffeting with the outer visor raised, but with just the tinted inner visor down it is fine.
Now that the dust has settled and the world moved on somewhat (from 2020 launch) I think the R18 range is at last finding it’s way, slowly, amongst owners who appreciate them for what they are, not what they aren’t. The more that positive reviews are put out there in internet land the better, it can only be a good thing. We’ve had more than our fair share of negative ones haven’t we……
Now that the dust has settled and the world moved on somewhat (from 2020 launch) I think the R18 range is at last finding it’s way, slowly, amongst owners who appreciate them for what they are, not what they aren’t. The more that positive reviews are put out there in internet land the better, it can only be a good thing. We’ve had more than our fair share of negative ones haven’t we……

I agree, but the R18 is a flawed inception of the original concept. BMW have staunchly stood by whilst is it marvelled by some and slated by others, but hasn't reacted to the feedback. The handling is good, lean angles are class leading, suspension is good for the most part but it is overly heavy, suffers with an awful UI and mapping capability, whilst having a fantastic IT hardware offering on the tourers.

We are still a little early for longevity reports, but there are plenty of images in 'netland showing corrosion or leakages. The R12 series of bikes still suffers with various corrosion issues 10 yrs after the liquid cooled versions were released. BMW has some QC issues, but only on some batches/build dates...which is exactly why the QC is an issue.
A good review, though it should perhaps include something about the wind buffeting with the stock screen. I am also 6-3" and anythng above 65mph is eyeball rattling. There are all manner of cures. I use a screen deflector/extender, which reduces it. I have also found that with my particular helmet I get less buffeting with the outer visor raised, but with just the tinted inner visor down it is fine.
6' - its buffeting is minimal
I agree, but the R18 is a flawed inception of the original concept. BMW have staunchly stood by whilst is it marvelled by some and slated by others, but hasn't reacted to the feedback. The handling is good, lean angles are class leading, suspension is good for the most part but it is overly heavy, suffers with an awful UI and mapping capability, whilst having a fantastic IT hardware offering on the tourers.

We are still a little early for longevity reports, but there are plenty of images in 'netland showing corrosion or leakages. The R12 series of bikes still suffers with various corrosion issues 10 yrs after the liquid cooled versions were released. BMW has some QC issues, but only on some batches/build dates...which is exactly why the QC is an issue.
That’s in your opinion, as valid as anyone’s but I love the bike, exactly as it is, including the fishtails! It’s why I bought one. Owners who want a different look, de-chromed, blacked out, chopper style with angry exhausts or whatever have gone down that path to create something that speaks to them. BMW are never going to build such an extreme machine because 1) it just doesn’t sit with their corporate brand and 2) they can’t anyway because of all the Euro regs and strict rules they must follow to homologate bikes that hopefully appeal to a wide range of potential owners around the world. Regarding weight, yea it’s heavy but so what? If you can’t manage it buy something else. There’s plenty of choice across all the big brands and something for everyone. Like others have said before on the forum the silent majority who have no problems don’t tend to post, why would they, it’s always the vocal minority that vent online (sometimes with understandable frustration and disappointment but not always), but this can create an overly negative impression. This is my 5th BMW, my first was around 2000/2001, cant even remember now. As the months click by we learn more & more about the bikes on this forum and share experience living with them, servicing them, customizing them, making mistakes sometimes. Corrosion can effect any bike, it depends upon use, annual mileage, climate, cleaning regime and so on. An 8 foot long bike, heavy and low with exposed shaft drive, plastered in proper chrome (no plastic) with spoked wheels is never going to be an ‘easy’ keep is it? Buy a Honda Transalp if you want practical. Know what I mean 🤷‍♂️
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Very well stated....+1
That’s in your opinion, as valid as anyone’s but I love the bike, exactly as it is, including the fishtails! It’s why I bought one. Owners who want a different look, de-chromed, blacked out, chopper style with angry exhausts or whatever have gone down that path to create something that speaks to them. BMW are never going to build such an extreme machine because 1) it just doesn’t sit with their corporate brand and 2) they can’t anyway because of all the Euro regs and strict rules they must follow to homologate bikes that hopefully appeal to a wide range of potential owners around the world. Regarding weight, yea it’s heavy but so what? If you can’t manage it buy something else. There’s plenty of choice across all the big brands and something for everyone. Like others have said before on the forum the silent majority who have no problems don’t tend to post, why would they, it’s always the vocal minority that vent online (sometimes with understandable frustration and disappointment but not always), but this can create an overly negative impression. This is my 5th BMW, my first was around 2000/2001, cant even remember now. As the months click by we learn more & more about the bikes on this forum and share experience living with them, servicing them, customizing them, making mistakes sometimes. Corrosion can effect any bike, it depends upon use, annual mileage, climate, cleaning regime and so on. An 8 foot long bike, heavy and low with exposed shaft drive, plastered in proper chrome (no plastic) with spoked wheels is never going to be an ‘easy’ keep is it? Buy a Honda Transalp if you want practical. Know what I mean 🤷‍♂️
That’s in your opinion, as valid as anyone’s but I love the bike, exactly as it is, including the fishtails! It’s why I bought one. Owners who want a different look, de-chromed, blacked out, chopper style with angry exhausts or whatever have gone down that path to create something that speaks to them. BMW are never going to build such an extreme machine because 1) it just doesn’t sit with their corporate brand and 2) they can’t anyway because of all the Euro regs and strict rules they must follow to homologate bikes that hopefully appeal to a wide range of potential owners around the world. Regarding weight, yea it’s heavy but so what? If you can’t manage it buy something else. There’s plenty of choice across all the big brands and something for everyone. Like others have said before on the forum the silent majority who have no problems don’t tend to post, why would they, it’s always the vocal minority that vent online (sometimes with understandable frustration and disappointment but not always), but this can create an overly negative impression. This is my 5th BMW, my first was around 2000/2001, cant even remember now. As the months click by we learn more & more about the bikes on this forum and share experience living with them, servicing them, customizing them, making mistakes sometimes. Corrosion can effect any bike, it depends upon use, annual mileage, climate, cleaning regime and so on. An 8 foot long bike, heavy and low with exposed shaft drive, plastered in proper chrome (no plastic) with spoked wheels is never going to be an ‘easy’ keep is it? Buy a Honda Transalp if you want practical. Know what I mean 🤷‍♂️
Well said! And I am glad that you mention the '... the silent majority who have no problems ...' that is so true. We often see all the issues posted .. and there are, mine had some as well (although some may have been operator caused :LOL:) ... and forget about all the folks that are happily riding with a big grin on their face ;)
Well said! And I am glad that you mention the '... the silent majority who have no problems ...' that is so true. We often see all the issues posted .. and there are, mine had some as well (although some may have been operator caused :LOL:) ... and forget about all the folks that are happily riding with a big grin on their face ;)
Yep! Like me!
Really enjoyed your long-term review Niels.
Extremely well written & researched, also enjoyed the history - It sets the scene nicely.
Thank-you from one of the majority of the very satisfied R18 Classic owners!