2022 R 18 B First Impressions


Active member
As I mentioned in my intro thread, I recently bought a 2022 R 18 B. Only have about 200 miles under my belt with the new ride, but I'm loving it so far. Before I took the plunge I also test rode some new Harleys but when I rode the Beemer it just felt right. I had an FJR 1300 for about 30,000 miles and it was a stellar bike, but I wanted something that was fun at all speeds and with more character. The FJR could cruise at 100 all day and feel like you were doing 60; problem is you actually are doing 100.

To be honest, when I read most of the reviews and watched the videos I was fairly skeptical about the reality of riding an R 18. Most paint a pretty bad picture. That's obviously not how I felt or I wouldn't have spent the big $$. It seems very similar in slow speeds and off the stand when compared to the Road King and Street Glides I tried. In my experience, any bike over 300-350 lbs can bully you if you don't use technique. The cruise control is brilliant and easy to use, and it's shorter to list the features it doesn't have vs what it does; kind of incredible. Down shifting is so smooth. The brakes work great. Tons of power. Engine Sounds great. The seating position has been good with the longest ride at 2.5 hours and still feeling comfortable, which is better than I can say for the FJR.

Obviously, I need to get some more time on it, but I can already see why BMWs have such a following. The bike seems really well thought out.
The single biggest mistake was for the original models not ensuring dealers were setting preload from the shipping position. Thus reviewers felt the suspension was harsh and it scraped pegs easily.

Like you I test rode Harley and Indian big bikes and 3 of the 4 R18 models (with preload not in shipping position). I found the R18 models were the best handling and the character of the big boxer was intoxicating. I also tend to find forward controls uncomfortable as they put so much tailbone pressure.

Granted, the R18 isn’t my first BMW, that was back in 1997, but every time I try out other brands and compare them I end up buying a BMW, so they are doing something right.
Interestingly enough, while some of the American market and MOCO loyalist have panned on the R18 most of the European reviews are very positive. Does it ride and feel different than a V-Twin? Of course. It's supposed to. In that respect, BMW built a German engineered cruiser, not a Harley knock off. You can probably list more things that are different on the R18 line from a HSC or RK than are the same. And that's what R18 owners appreciate.
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