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Petr Kunc
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  • I am not familiar with Akrapovic exhaust I run open exhaust except for the catalytic converter, sorry
    Hi there,
    I saw your posts on the forum - I have a question about Akrapovic Exhaust.

    I wonder if drilling out the rear perforated mesh (I marked these places with a red arrow) will help?
    Will drilling out these places make the sound better?
    What do you think about it?

    Best regards
    Krzysztof (from Poland)

    Petr Kunc
    Petr Kunc
    Hello Krzysztof, sorry for delay, i missed your question. You can drill it, but difference would not be any dramatic by my opinion. Even with baffle fully removed the sound is deeper than fishtails, but still decent. For me it sounds like stock Harley now. With DNA air filter, flaps fully open and unbaffled Akrapovic's is my R18 still more silent than my friend's Moto Morini 6 1/2 with factory muffler :))
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