TC / Bagger - tank cubby tray


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I designed a little tray, to go in the tank cubby if you pull out the over-engineered-yet-too-small-phone-heater. (Yes, that is the official part name for that device)

There are already a couple of threads about putting a phone charger in there or the connector used, etc. But also - some people may not want to subject their phone to the vibration sitting there right on the motor, so...

This is just a simple tray, to keep the assorted junk you may toss in there from falling into the gaps around the tank, and possibly look nice and clean like it was meant to be there.

My basic 3D print prototype is just using white. It could be made using any color of plastic you wanted I guess. STL is on Printables.

There is also still a little space underneath it if I wanted to hide something like a little cash or spare key or something under there (I would secure it somehow though - maybe inside a baggie or something).


A couple credit card sized items for a sense of scale:

Adds around an inch of depth at the deepest point at the top/front, giving near 1.75 inches of space with the lid shut.

Due to the slope of the cubby & tank, there is not much added room at the bottom/rear of the cubby.
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