Stupid Key for Gas Cap


Active member
So I checked around to find a metal key to unlock the gas cap with out having to dig in my pockets for the fob. It turns our that locksmiths can't make one for you. My dealership found that a key blank from a 2012 1200GS #51257688674 will do the job providing you give BMW your VIN, Registration and Drivers License info then they can cut you a key for about $50. I ordered one & will let you know how it tuns out. I think a key like this should be provided when the bike is purchase.
Just to not to put your hands in your pocket? I’m trying to figure out where are you going to keep that special key for the gas cap 🤔
The mechanism is cumbersome and I have concerns that the chrome disk which rotates to expose the key hole will scratch the cap with time. So I don't bother with it at all and just leave it unlocked. Works fine.
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So, maybe a silly question, lots of long-time motorcyclists here I'm sure, has anyone had their gasoline stolen or gas tampered with? It's just not something that I think about at all, like zero, but I'm parking my bikes in my garage and live in a relatively low crime area too.
So, maybe a silly question, lots of long-time motorcyclists here I'm sure, has anyone had their gasoline stolen or gas tampered with? It's just not something that I think about at all, like zero, but I'm parking my bikes in my garage and live in a relatively low crime area too.
Back in the 70’s and early 80’s when folks hated bikers, because the of criminal element mostly. It was popular to put sugar in the gas tank. Sometimes restaurants would’t serve you and hotels would not rent you a room If you rode a motorcycle. And having a locking gas cap was necessary. Bikers had a bad name and lots of ignorance was around just like it is today. People assumed if you rode a motorcycle you were a biker and belonged to an outlaw gang. I did belong to a club back then it was called the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and I can tell you when I rode a motorcycle I was treated differently. And for some reason the bikers didn’t care for me either. Talk about needing a locking gas cap I sure did need one. Then there was the Harley hating Japanese bikes thing going on. If you rode a Honda around those guys you needed a locking gas cap, they would put rice in your tank. I think it is left over from those days.
Yikes. Yeah, before my time. I bought my first motorcycle in 1996. The worst bit of vandalism I ever encountered was a piece of chewing gum on one of my foot pegs.
My special-ordered R18 came with the locking gas cap, I suppose because it gets packaged with the order for cruise control. Truth to tell, I've had lots of bikes with non-locking gas caps and have never experienced a problem. I will probably never lock it.
Excellent. Let us know what key is the appropriate. Thanks

The European keys are not common for American outfits that cut keys. But if you do a good search, you may fine a place that can do it. When I lived on Long Island NY there was a lock smith in Shirley who claimed that he could make ANY key, no matter the design. I'm gonna do a search here in the Chattanooga area and see if there are any places that can duplicate the BMW key.
My special-ordered R18 came with the locking gas cap, I suppose because it gets packaged with the order for cruise control. Truth to tell, I've had lots of bikes with non-locking gas caps and have never experienced a problem. I will probably never lock it.
I agree. My Indian does not have a locking gas cap & I've never had a problem so I probably will not use the lock either unless sitting outside unattended like at a hotel. I always lock the forks though, force of habit & use a disk lock if unattended for longer periods of time.
I agree. My Indian does not have a locking gas cap & I've never had a problem so I probably will not use the lock either unless sitting outside unattended like at a hotel. I always lock the forks though, force of habit & use a disk lock if unattended for longer periods of time.
Good thinking. It's always better to be safe than sorry.