Has anyone ever Ridden a Goldwing ?

Yes it is vs an R18 would offer. The lastest gen wing engine is very nice though feel it kicks off more heat then prior gen wing, somewhat. Different animal for sure. Had a 2019 goldwing tour dct airbag model.
+1. I had a Gen5 GW Bagger in 2016 and a manual Gen6 GW Bagger in 2021. The latter did feel more agile but I preferred the earlier engine and overall feel of legendary Honda quality whereas the later bike had way more tech, a 6 speed box and a more plush ride but lost a little something along the way, sheer presence maybe. The DCT option is worth considering, because it’s so easy and effortless and does suit the touring nature of it very well.

Contrary to what you may think (because I didn’t expect it tbh) the level of moaning on the GW forum about the Gen6 regarding the seat, the tech, the suspension, thin paint, DCT, difficulty servicing and dealer cost, steering set up, noisy engine, wind buffeting, did I mention the seat was on a different level to our forum and some owners got quite nasty with one another. Very tribal. Old vs new. Hopefully it’s calmed down by now I haven’t looked for a good while.

What’s similar to my R18FE? Seating position in general. That’s it. The GW felt a lot bigger, there’s more of it all around you, although obviously heavy I don’t think the R18 is a big bike, yes it’s very long and low but not BIG. One of the things I prefer. Now a TC or your B would likely feel a lot closer in that respect.

It’s all subjective, everything, so the only way to see what you think is go take a look, test ride, do your due diligence before jumping ship. I had an itch to scratch and that’s why I had them, if I was a millionaire I would have kept both along with every bike I’ve ever had (well almost).

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+1. I had a Gen5 GW Bagger in 2016 and a manual Gen6 GW Bagger in 2021. The latter did feel more agile but I preferred the earlier engine and overall feel of legendary Honda quality whereas the later bike had way more tech, a 6 speed box and a more plush ride but lost a little something along the way, sheer presence maybe. The DCT option is worth considering, because it’s so easy and effortless and does suit the touring nature of it very well.

Contrary to what you may think (because I didn’t expect it tbh) the level of moaning on the GW forum about the Gen6 regarding the seat, the tech, the suspension, thin paint, DCT, difficulty servicing and dealer cost, steering set up, noisy engine, wind buffeting, did I mention the seat was on a different level to our forum and some owners got quite nasty with one another. Very tribal. Old vs new. Hopefully it’s calmed down by now I haven’t looked for a good while.

What’s similar to my R18FE? Seating position in general. That’s it. The GW felt a lot bigger, there’s more of it all around you, although obviously heavy I don’t think the R18 is a big bike, yes it’s very long and low but not BIG. One of the things I prefer. Now a TC or your B would likely feel a lot closer in that respect.

It’s all subjective, everything, so the only way to see what you think is go take a look, test ride, do your due diligence before jumping ship. I had an itch to scratch and that’s why I had them, if I was a millionaire I would have kept both along with every bike I’ve ever had (well almost).

View attachment 14490View attachment 14491
That is a nice looking ride
I had a '17 Valkrie...which is a sporty Gold Wing without bags, etc. Very nice bike. Seemed much heavier than my F/E? It had a very smooth, powerful engine.
I bought one of those re-designed GoldWings in 2018. They are about 100 lbs lighter than the previous 2005-2017 models.
1) Very smooth drive train and transmission with superior acceleration in any gear
2) Very good wind deflection (although a bit less on the legs compared to 2015-2017 versions)
3) Comes with a back stand that is easy to manipulate (I was glad for the back stand)
4) Variable height windshield

1) By design, the engine idles at 2,000 rpm after start up until warm. Was told by Honda tech this is so bike gets to operating temp quickly. I was frustrated by this. In the dead of winter, one should never race idle a motor as this is when max engine wear occurs.
2) The air filter is located in what is known as the "Honda Hell Hole". Access to the air filter is a 1.75 hour job by a service tech. Many pieces of the bike need to be removed to reach air filter.
3) Wind screen had a slight flutter due to thin gauge.
4) I immediately bought the Heli-bars. This greatly reduced the forward reach to the handle bars. Honda thinks like BMW in this regard. They have in their head that leaning slightly forward while riding is the proper posture. I call BS on this design flaw.

My R18 is a very nice cruiser. The GW is not a cruiser. The boxer motor is smooth like the GW six cylinder behemoth.
BMW still has a corner on the "good looking bike" market. I know of no manufacturer that can match BMW for looks.
The wing and the k1600 are heads and shoulders above anything else in the two up touring market. I have owned and toured extensively on both. FWIW the pillion liked the 1600 better. ANY twin is a mess compared to these.

If I was riding solo and wanted a big girl I would take the k1600 hands down because it is an absolute BLAST to ride.

I owned 4 different yr/model Goldwings. All Tour models... 2005, 2015, 2018 and 2021... I wish I still had my 2021 instead of this behemoth called R18TC.
Smoother, quieter, more comfy, faster, more nimble, more storage capacity, cheaper to maintain and most importantly easy to sell as a second hand bike unlike this dead weight in my garage with 2600 miles on it that nobody wants to touch with a ten ft pole!
I owned 4 different yr/model Goldwings. All Tour models... 2005, 2015, 2018 and 2021... I wish I still had my 2021 instead of this behemoth called R18TC.
Smoother, quieter, more comfy, faster, more nimble, more storage capacity, cheaper to maintain and most importantly easy to sell as a second hand bike unlike this dead weight in my garage with 2600 miles on it that nobody wants to touch with a ten ft pole!
I agree with you about the used market. I was able to unload my R18C and got a couple of replacements, one to tour and one to rip-it-up!108884.jpg
I owned 4 different yr/model Goldwings. All Tour models... 2005, 2015, 2018 and 2021... I wish I still had my 2021 instead of this behemoth called R18TC.
Smoother, quieter, more comfy, faster, more nimble, more storage capacity, cheaper to maintain and most importantly easy to sell as a second hand bike unlike this dead weight in my garage with 2600 miles on it that nobody wants to touch with a ten ft pole!
😴😴😴 Not again, or still. We know, ad nauseam, that you don't like your TC. Now move along, get rid of the bike to someone who will enjoy,, burn it, run it off a cliff, IDC, because I've had enough and I'm sick of your sniveling. Have that BBQ, and let your hate die. Somewhere else.
Crap, situations like this are when we need Black Dog.
Only thing I know about Goldwings is that their engines are broken.

I mean...who TF puts a COUNTERBALANCER on a boxer engine?!?!?!

Let that boxer VIBRATE like nature intended!

/s /j

I agree with you about the used market. I was able to unload my R18C and got a couple of replacements, one to tour and one to rip-it-up!View attachment 14530
Just curious about that 3 cylinder bike in the picture. I think it has a single swing arm in back which surprises me somewhat. A 2.5 liter motor with a single swing arm? It is amazing to consider the engineering it took to pull that off.
The free body Force Diagram on that bearing while under acceleration from a 2.5 liter engine is mind boggling!
😴😴😴 Not again, or still. We know, ad nauseam, that you don't like your TC. Now move along, get rid of the bike to someone who will enjoy,, burn it, run it off a cliff, IDC, because I've had enough and I'm sick of your sniveling. Have that BBQ, and let your hate die. Somewhere else.
Crap, situations like this are when we need Black Dog.
Reality hurt your feelings? Don’t read my posts buddy! Simply skip them!
If I could keep one more rider to do the same mistake I did I will be happy. But despite my warnings if anybody would still love to have an R18TC could easily contact me!
Boy do I have a deal for them?

As for you my advise would be just continue your 😴 and don’t bother to read my posts!
It is that simple!

If somebody praise their R18TC and talk about it here how much they adore their bike, do you see me responding as “how dare you like it”.
Get another hobby in life other than deciding how others should express themselves on an open forum!
Reality hurt your feelings? Don’t read my posts buddy! Simply skip them!
If I could keep one more rider to do the same mistake I did I will be happy. But despite my warnings if anybody would still love to have an R18TC could easily contact me!
Boy do I have a deal for them?

As for you my advise would be just continue your 😴 and don’t bother to read my posts!
It is that simple!

If somebody praise their R18TC and talk about it here how much they adore their bike, do you see me responding as “how dare you like it”.
Get another hobby in life other than deciding how others should express themselves on
I really would not object to anyone posting their OBJECTIVE observations and opinions, pros or cons. That's a key means for how we help each other make decisions. You're not doing that.
I have no problem skipping posts I don't appreciate; do it regularly. You think you hit a nerve? No, when I see BS, I either walk away or call it out. I've been 'walking away' from your BS for months but you don't stop trolling. It's time call your posts out for what they are.
Please, I am sincerely asking you to stop being a repetitive twatwaffle and move on from here. Or, quityerbitchin' and post actual objective experiences without all the chest-thumping and bragadicio. Either way, enough with your BS posts. You're boring.
You act like I post here daily for the last year! I said pros and cons of this bike many times. Your input is only your bitching regarding what I said without any other useful information. You can’t imagine how many private messages I am receiving from other members of this forum sharing similar complaints and praises regarding this bike.
But every forum have posting-police like yourself thinking doing a noble job by just criticizing other people’s posts rather than discussing the subject, I guess you are one of those we are lucky to have here.
Good going!
Plus wtf it means “I’ve been walking away from your BS for months”… you know this forum has other people than yourself. My posts are not directed to you!
So, keep walking…