Recent content by The A-Teen

  1. The A-Teen

    R18 from S. Korea

    Great video. Ride safe.
  2. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    Cool. Claremont
  3. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    Philr18, where in SoCal btw?
  4. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    For sure. I like your set up. Really cool.
  5. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.
  6. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    Thank you Bob and I’ll upload the oic again.
  7. The A-Teen

    Hello from SoCal

    Hello everyone, just got my R18 First edition. Looking forward to meeting new people and learning more about this beautiful bike.